Washington D.C. and other happenings

We went to visit my sister and go to Washington D.C. a week and a half ago. It was my first time in D.C. (the kids, too) so we were very excited! We didn’t have long to stay so we packed it in:)

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Just a few fun pictures of our trip! I still need to upload all the ones from my real camera:) My niece and Eliana were just adorable together! They held hands almost all the time and kept calling each other their “best friend.” They slept in the same room and were two peas in a pod!:)

We walked about 12+ miles in less than 2 days! We drove down Thursday and stayed at my sisters and then we all got up, ate breakfast and drove to D.C. Friday, where we spent the rest of the day. We got a behind-the-scenes tour of the Capital building with our state representative (highly recommend doing that!) and went to the American History Museum. We stayed in a hotel Friday night and then saw most of the monuments and memorials Saturday, as well as the Archives, the White House and the Air and Space Museum. Then we drove back to my sister’s, where my brother-in-law had dinner waiting for us all and we got to enjoy my niece’s bday party the next day!

It was a whirlwind but wonderful! I will add more detail when I get my better pictures up:)


Just wanted to share this funny picture of our rascal, Oliver! He is SUCH a kitten! He gets himself so wild sometimes; usually at night when we are ready to go to bed:) We missed him while we were gone and he missed us! But we had some quality cat-caregivers watching over him for us;)


Samuel started baseball last weekend! Our new cute little town does it up big for baseball, apparently. They kick off the baseball games with a parade and opening ceremonies. Samuel is on the “A’s” team this year, with their sponsor being “Weed Man,” which he thought was funny. Each sponsor pulled their team behind them on a little float. It was cute!


Our baseball guy! He felt nervous about this season since it’s with a new team but I am really hoping he will come out of his shell a bit and make some new friends. So far, they have lost one game and won the second! Go A’s!


And last but not least, my poor hubby was in a 4 car accident on Monday:( I knew right away something wasn’t good when he called me about 10-ish minutes after leaving the house for work. He said, “Heidi, I was just in a crash.” My heart skipped a beat and all I wanted to know was if he was okay!

Turns out, he is. He has some whiplash and has peaked with his stiffness and soreness today. So apparently, just when he was getting close to the entrance ramp to get on the highway, this lady came to a complete stop (from 45 mph), claiming she didn’t see a car in front of her. The car behind her (and in front of Ben) slammed on her brakes and started skidding all over. Ben slammed on his brakes and and they just started crashing one by one. Ben’s car went under the car in front of him and he was rear-ended by the lady behind him.

Unfortunately, his car got the worst of it! The 2nd lady, who was in an SUV and whom we suspect was distracted somewhat, got cited for the whole accident. Her car and Ben’s had to be towed away. They were there quite awhile filling out paperwork and everything. Once he was released to go, we picked him up and he said he still wanted to go to work (what a guy!). We ended up sitting in a parking lot near his work for about an hour to an hour an a half while he made/answered phone calls with the insurance company and rental car company, etc.

He has a rental car for the next few weeks while we wait for all of this to work out. Meanwhile, we are praying about how to get a new car!!

Most of all, we are SOOOO thankful that it wasn’t worse. It makes me teary everytime I see the pictures of the car and just think about what it could have been but wasn’t! Thank you, Lord!!!

The kids had an absolutely awful day yesterday, mostly due to processing everything that happened. There were so many emotions and melt-downs and we were all so exhausted!

We would love prayers for healing for Ben’s neck and back and for finding a new car and a money tree quickly! 😉 Hope your week is off to a better start!