
 We just got back from Awana and finally got all 3 kiddos tucked in bed. I realized that once again I have been neglecting my blog terribly. I feel guilt over it sometimes but I also feel so tired at night lately that the last thing on my mind is sitting down and rehashing the boring business of our day! I did have something really cool happen to me last week and sometime, if I can figure out how to express it, I would like to share:)

In other news, my mom, Eliana and I took our trip to VA to visit my sister this weekend! Or..”Birginia” as Eliana calls it:) It was definitely a longer trip than we’d realized (although in the scheme of things, not too bad!) The rough part was that I got kicked in the teeth from a migraine and felt absolutely horrible for most of the trip. I was supposed to share driving responsibilities with my mom but she had to drive most of the way. I was only able to help the last 1 1/2 hours. The good news is Eliana was a perfect angel the entire almost 9 hours!

See? An angel!

Our sweet niece/cousin “L” was beyond ecstatic to have Eliana there! They are only 7 mos apart in age. This was their “tea time” the first night we got there:)

The James River!

We went on a tour of Richmond Saturday but unfortunately, there was a marathon and most of the roads were blocked off so we didn’t get to see a whole lot. The girls were so good in the car!

We did get to see St. John’s Church, where Patrick Henry gave his “Liberty or Death” speech. Cool!

Sweet “L.” I got to squish in between both girls for our tour on Saturday.

The Confederate White House was another building we drove by. There is definitely a lot of history there!

We stopped to have lunch at a really good burger place! It was good to stretch our legs and fill our bellies:) It was called the Burger Bach and is definitely one to put on your list, should you ever visit Richmond!

“The sun is in my eyes, Mommy!”

L has a really cool playground in her backyard and we bundled the girls up and let them blow off some steam.

Swinging together before we got back in the car for our trip back! We will definitely be going again and hopefully staying longer!

One of the amazing houses in my sister’s neighborhood. Wow!

The beautiful scenic highway! I wouldn’t mind driving this highway everyday!

E listening to music:) She was so good, once again on the trip home, although much more tired. She had a brief 5 minute meltdown in the car after lunch and promptly passed out for the rest of the trip. She was SO out of it that we could hardly wake her up to tell her we were home again!!

The weather was terrible on the trip home. I wouldn’t recommend driving through the hilly, winding roads of W. Virginia in the pouring rain! But thank the Lord, we made it back safely to two happy boys waiting with signs and big hugs:)

AND the best gift of all (besides seeing our favorite three guys) was that they cleaned the house for me!! That is totally my love language these days:)

Next up, our first snow!!