Labor Day Weekend

 Due to an uninvited internet interruption, I was not able to update you on our wonderful weekend but now I’m back! We were blessed to have some good, former-Chicagoan friends come stay with us this weekend!

We will forever be thankful for our married couple’s housegroup we were a part of a few years ago because we met some of the best people we know. Our friends who came to visit have a little girl that is about a month older than Eliana. I totally fell in love with A! She has a belly laugh that will make you smile everytime and is just darling!

We packed up our crew and headed to our favorite zoo on Saturday, hoping to beat the rain. It’s really fun to take Eliana now that she’s into animals and tries to say their names. She was crazy about the camels:)

“Mama, camel! Camel, Mama!”

Ben and I, who unashamedly enjoy the zoo as much as our children, were enthralled with the lion! He and his mate, Iris, are usually sound asleep every single time we come. But we just happened to catch them between naps and he was quite a sight!

Enjoying the views:)

On Sunday we all had the chance to hear another former housegroup friend preach at her church back in our old stomping grounds! Not only that but we all enjoyed a fun pizza lunch catching up and enjoying time with each other. I got the chance to sit right between these two doll babies and they kept my attention!

It was fun to see Eliana with someone her own age, since that doesn’t happen too often.

After a round of naps, kids and adults alike, we headed to the park to blow off some kiddo steam. Always hoping for good sleep!!

Eliana just adores playground and loves to climb and slide to her hearts content. I find it hilarious to watch a toddler throw themselves down slides all by themselves:)

The boys rode their scooters to the park and after they got tired of riding around, they had fun playing in the train and just being boys:)

The train engineer!

2 little girlies enjoying the slide.

Some swing time.

A sweet moment:) Forget the stroller; walking with Daddy is way better!

We really enjoyed our time with our friends; watching the kiddos play, talking, laughing and catching up. So thankful for such wonderful people in our lives!

More pics tomorrow.