Summer Doings

 We’ve had a “sort-of” break from the terrible heat the past couple of days (as in below 90 degrees but still hot!). This morning, the kiddos and I (being car-less) headed out on a walk to our little downtown area to hit (not rob) the bank and the library. Unbeknownst to me, I got interviewed by a reporter on the way! Yeah, after five minutes of me being questioned about some possible new land developments nearby, I started to get curious about what the guy was writing down in his notebook so furiously….

So I questioned him for a change and he admitted that he was a reporter for the Tribune! I’m really savvy, right? 😉

Anyways, we had a nice, busy morning. I let each of the kiddos pick out 4 books because I had to carry them all the way home in my backpack and that gets heavy fast! I am so thankful that all three love to read so much!

Early on in our marriage, Ben and I bought this 7-in-1 game set and we pulled it out last week for the infamous chess-crushing game (oh, I’m sorry, did I say that outloud??) and the boys have gotten into playing some of the game! We’ve had several rousing rounds of Chinese checkers (I used to play with my sister a lot!) and Checkers. Zakkai and I played Checkers this morning during breakfast and he was surprisingly good! It won’t be long before he’s crushing me….

Here’s my Moose helping me bake cookies on Saturday! It was her first time helping me cook and she loved it! I hope she loves to cook as much as I do someday.

Speaking of baking….we had to use up our fresh farmer’s market peaches and what better way than a Peach Cream Pie! Mmmm….

Here is the cookie recipe I promised you that I got off of pinterest, my new favorite place for recipes! These cookies were SO good and very easy!  Coconut Sugar Cookies. If you like coconut at all, you will love these. They were best fresh, the first day. Will definitely be making again!

Tonight, I was tucking my sweet girl in bed (for the second time) and she started telling me something that Samuel helped her with earlier in the day. She loves to tell me things when I lay her down now! I said, “Samuel is a good big brother. He takes care of you.” She smiled and said, “Yeah. And Zakkai takes care of Daddy.”

I said, “Oh, he does?” She said, “Yeah, and I take care of you!” She paused and added, “I will take good care of you, okay? You are so cute, Mommy!” Precious:)