Day Trip!

 Five years ago, Ben and I got a chance to go away together for the weekend! Wait, now that I think about it, that was the last time……sad! Anyways, we went to Madison, WI and stayed at a really cute bed and breakfast and spent time at the famous Dane County Farmer’s Market. Whoa. Coolest farmer’s market ever!

It’s a few blocks long and has over 150 vendors. We had such a great time and I have wanted to go back so bad but it has never worked out. Yesterday, we decided to make the little drive up there because not only was there the farmer’s market (although it was much smaller yesterday), there was also an art fair (which made the market smaller!) We headed out at 6am and made a pretty drive up there!

It was a really beautiful day. Not too hot at first, although that changed around lunch time! We found a few goodies; some cheese curds (Ben’s choice and very strange and squeaky!), yellow green beans, cherries and cheese bread. Oh, the cheese bread. Wow. It was amazing! We headed over to some shade and we all shared a little bite of our treats:) Isn’t this the cutest picture of my favorite people in the whole world?!

We walked through the art fair, which was huge, and then headed up to a place where we could look out on one of the nearby lakes.

So beautiful! There were lots of boats on the water, due to the beautiful weather. Eliana said, “Aw, look at the boats. They’re so cute!” She thinks everything is cute…

This was a shot of Madison’s capital building from the lake. Ben and I went inside last time we were here and it’s very pretty!

And all the walking around and the sunshine made this little cutie sleepy! She was awake one minute and sacked out the next;) None of the noise phased her during her nap.

Some of the artist’s tents. There were a lot of great artists; beautiful paintings and amazing photography. There were also some really strange things, too, but I think that comes with the territory:)

And before we headed back home, we stopped at a very cool restaurant we remembered from our time here way back when. Ella’s Deli. We didn’t eat here but enjoyed a little ice cream cone:) Too expensive to eat out with 5 of us!!

The outside has this fun merry-go-round and the inside is filled with old-fashioned toys and trains in the tables, hanging from the ceiling and walls. It’s a really neat place!

One last shot before we headed home with our tired crew! Eliana was totally revived by her stroller nap and talked the entire way home. Meanwhile, her bros totally sacked out and were lost to the world:) I may or may not have joined them for a little bit! We were home by dinner time and thanks to some earlier planning, we had leftover homemade pizza from Friday night all ready so we didn’t have to cook a thing! It was a fun day together.

Samuel spent a lot of time inside today because a) it is starting to get really hot and humid and b) he had a bad headache all day. He doesn’t like for me to take his picture but he let me take this one AND he said he liked it! Woohoo! He’s such a handsome boy:)

And for dinner, I cooked up our fresh yellow green beans with a little oil and garlic. Delicious! There isn’t one green bean left:)

Hope you had a great weekend!