Ballet and Baseball!

Our heads are spinning with business over here! We are knee deep in baseball~either a game or practice 5-6 days out of the week!

Samuel’s team got off to a very rough start this year. A “rough around the edges” sort of bunch. He wasn’t enjoying his team and neither were we~especially when one of the games ended with kids getting ejected out of the game, parents screaming obscenities at the umpire and each other (across the teams) and the catcher from the opposing team getting injured so badly, he required surgery!

I became “that mom” and contacted the president of our baseball league. Long story short, he read my email and called me and we talked for a good 45 minutes, in which he asked lots of questions and really listened to my concerns. Two of our players got penalized with sitting out a second game and one has been ejected for the season. It was rough for a bit with so many missing players. Then Samuel had someone on the team say some pretty cruel stuff to him (but that is the player that is gone now.) We took care of that really quickly!

The GOOD that has come out of it is that his team is really starting to come together. They are being kinder to each other, encouraging one another and playing well. Samuel is enjoying baseball again and we are so relieved!

Zakkai is just loving baseball!! He has such a good attitude and is picking up skills quickly! I told him I need to take his picture tonight before his game to post here:)

Eliana had her big ballet/tap recital this weekend! She was SO excited that she bounded into our room at 6am on Saturday:) She got to do two dances this year, one ballet and one tap and changed skirts for each one. She did so well!!

Looking so pretty in her ballet skirt before the recital! (It was SOO fluffy! They gave us tips to “de-fluff” them but nothing worked:) The kids got to hang out with their grandma right afterwards for a couple of hours before S’s baseball game. She was very tired and refused to take any more pictures at first!

I shamelessly bribed her by telling her she could take silly pictures on my ipad for 10 minutes if she smiled and posed for us:) It worked!

And last but not least, I just wanted to share a picture of our butterfly releasing! All the butterflies except one flew away so quickly we couldn’t even get a picture! But the last one came out slowly and stayed on E’s hand for several minutes. She loved it! We all went through butterfly-withdrawal for awhile and are hoping to do it again soon:)


April Good Weather Brings May Showers?

We had gorgeous weather for awhile over here….and now we have rain and went back to cool temperatures and coats! Just in time for baseball:)

Speaking of baseball, BOTH boys are playing this year. I got the schedules for the games last week and about hyperventilated! We have 3-4 games a week plus 2 or more practices a week for the next 7 weeks. Plus ballet recitals, weddings, homeschooling, cleaning jobs and regular life.

Some people really thrive off of being busy but we do not! Ben and I are both introverts (I have some of both) and we get worn out by busyness and really need downtime. This will be a stretch for us but it does make us happy that the boys are enjoying it. Zakkai, especially! He has only watched S up to this point and has minimally practiced with S and Ben but he is picking baseball up very naturally! His team won their game last night and he was very happy about that!


Zakkai is on the “Indians” team (in the picture, he’s up to bat at his first game. He got a hit!) and Samuel is on the “Blue Jays.” Eliana has decided she wants to do t-ball next year;) Here is a video of her practicing batting!

We got outside last Sunday and took advantage of the sun that we hadn’t seen in so long! Here are the kids resting on a bench for a minute, grudgingly posing for a picture for their dear old mom;)

Eliana got a butterfly garden kit for her birthday and we finally sent in for the caterpillars! It was pretty amazing to watch them grow so quickly, turn into chrysalides and hang themselves upside down on the lid of the container and then a week and a half later, turn into butterflies! We currently have 5 Painted Lady butterflies:) We are going to set them free in the next couple of days. Oliver finally discovered them and we’ve had to keep them way up high because he wants them SOOO bad! He is such a predator:)

Hopefully I’ll find time in our busyness to write again soon!