Eliana in Stitches.

 What would our life be like without a little added excitement?! We actually had a very good day today, with some personal encouragement I will share another day. We got back in the afternoon after grocery shopping and 10 minutes later, just after putting away the last of the groceries, I heard a really loud “THUNK” and came around the corner to see that Eliana had fallen off a chair and hit the corner of the tv table.

From her reaction, both my grandma and I knew that she really hurt something. I picked her up and started the mommy process of checking out her body and trying to figure out where she was hurt when I saw blood all over my hands. I checked her mouth immediately but quickly realized it was her head when she kept reaching up to grab it. There was blood dripping all over the place so I rushed her to the bathroom and called Ben up to get some ice. We determined pretty quickly that she needed to go get some stitches so off we went.

I called my mom on the way and she offered to come with us which was such a big help, as we had trouble finding the place! There was a children’s hospital ER/urgent care attached to the main hospital nearby and that’s where we went. Aside from Eliana being hurt, it was a great experience. Every single person we came in contact with was SO nice and helpful!

The cut is on the back left side of her head so they had to wrap it all around to keep the cotton with numbing gel on her head for a little while. She looks like a war victim! She was so so good while we were there.

Waiting for stitches…

She laid perfectly still on the bed while the lady put 3 stitches in her head. Thankfully they didn’t have to shave her hair! My mom read a book with her to distract her. Then they gave her a popsicle because she was an angel!

We came back and I gave her a quick bath right away to wash all the blood out of her hair and she snuggled with my mom and her cousin while we got dinner ready. She did great until right when I tucked her into bed and she reached up and felt the stitches and kind of freaked out. It was like she hadn’t even realized she had gotten them until that moment. I had to calm her down and explain why the stitches were there and that she wasn’t to touch them! She was so worn out from everything and as I was leaving the room she said, “Thank you for taking me to the hospital, Mommy. That was very nice of you.”

She’s a sweetie! Just wish she wasn’t all stitched up!


Can you guess what I’m about to say? Bet you can’t!






Our new favorite place in the whole world!!! Yea for the ER!!

I really could be making this stuff up except there’s absolutely nothing in it for me! No prizes. No trophies. No free medical care. Not buy 3, get one free. No free trips. No book or movie deals. Nothing.

Just a wonderful trip to the ER. Again.

And a good story to tell….someday. When this week isn’t so fresh in our minds.

I was feeling so much better today and had some energy to do a little crafting for Christmas presents tonight. We got the boys tucked in bed and I started working on my project. I was standing at the table cutting fabric. Not even 15 minutes in, I switched my rotary cutter (with the brand new blade, mind you) to my other hand or something (a bit of a blur) and it slipped and dropped straight down on top of my foot.

I looked down and saw the sock was sliced open and thought “ouch.” But hoped since I couldn’t see anything right away that maybe the blade magically closed and didn’t cut anything.

But then I took off my sock.

And I said, “Ben? I just did something really bad. Really bad.” He got up as soon as I mentioned the word “stitches” and came over to see. Sometimes you have cuts where you’re borderline “Stiches? or butterfly?” Nope. This one was stitches all the way.

So B helped me wrapped it up carefully and I pulled a big old cozy sock on over my foot and hobbled my way to the ER. By the time they took me back, everything was soaked through with blood. They said I did a really good job!

I try.

So I got (mostly) numbed and got 5 -6 stitches on my foot and here I am trying to settle my body and mind down and waiting for tylenol to take effect.

Anyone know where we could buy some stainless-steel, germ-free, safety bubbles?

We could use 5 of them. L, M, 2 Sm and an XS.