Stuck At Home!

The kiddos and I have spent a LOT of time together at home over the past few days! Ben had to work over the weekend to catch up on hours lost at work from our trip to OH and his trip to Scotland last week. Then school was called off today (and tomorrow) because of the severe cold and Ben took the car to work so we were sequestered at home again!

We pretty much had a pajama day all day today! Why get dressed when we aren’t going to see anybody or go anywhere?? The boys helped Eliana put together a nice birthday party for Baby Anna this morning:)

They set up her tea set with birthday cake and tea and fought over all the details because a certain three year old is very particular!

Zakkai had the craziest hair today. Last night when I got him up to use the bathroom, I thought his hair smelled extra good and he had quite the bedhead. I realized when I was standing behind him that he forgot to wash the soap out of his hair after his bath! He had some great hair today:)

Samuel ran away when he saw me sneak up with the camera but I caught him once:)

Eliana making Baby Anna turn the pages of her “birthday present.” Baby Anna gets the royal treatment, I tell you!

We also had waffles for breakfast (I will absolutely post the recipe because they were very good!), played Legos together, watched “Peter Pan” read books and more. I really need to come up with something fun for our day tomorrow….Any ideas?

I finally pulled out the old quilt last night and started working on it again while we were watching a movie. I do hope to finish it someday!

It may filled with imperfections but I do think it’s pretty!

The Horse.

Zakkai woke up this morning with a hoarse voice and a bit of a sore throat. Samuel said, “Why is your voice like that?”

Ben answered for him and said teasingly, “He has a horse’s voice! Neigh!”

Zakkai said indignantly, “Because! My throat is sore and it made me hoarse and that’s why I have a horse’s voice!!” 

He slays me.

Unfortunately, as the day has gone on, he’s gotten sicker and tonight came down with a fever and tummy pain. He asked to go to bed right after dinner and that’s when I noticed his cheeks were flushed. I just got him up for one of his nightly potty breaks and he started crying because his throat hurts so bad:( Looks like I’ve got another buddy hanging around with me tomorrow….


I had my 3rd quilting class this afternoon and it was so fun, as usual! I finished my whole quilt top, pieced the layers today and did a lot of quilting! Next week we cut out the binding and hopefully I”ll have a picture to share:) I’m really, really enjoying learning a lot about something I love to do and hope someday to get good enough to quilt for others and maybe even sell them.


Ben and I have been working hard on our project for Eliana’s birthday these past couple of weeks! It’s been a lot of fun to do it together and share our pride in our progress. Can’t wait to share pictures this weekend!

Tonight at dinner, Eliana threw her arms out and said, “Birfday! Two!!” and then tried to make a two with her sweet little fingers. She has no idea what a birthday is but we’re going to try to make it fun for her!


I have to admit…it was a pretty darn good day today! And I am sorry to say that that must be rare because it’s very noticeable!

First of all, Eliana’s fever finally broke this morning!!! She is now a bit congested with a little cough~all part of the virus, I assume, but she ate a little better as the day went on and was smiling and talking! So thankful.

And I went to my first quilting class this afternoon! I have been looking forward to this SO much. Not only was I able to do something just for me (which was totally amazing and unprecedented!), I was able to get a little break from one of the toughest parts of my day and I felt totally rejuvenated when I got home!!

Afternoons can be stressful with getting the boys home from school, sorting out papers and homework, neighborhood kids coming by, Eliana getting fussy and hungry, making dinner, etc. I have heard many a mom lament the late afternoon/dinner hour! I am incredibly thankful that Ben has allowed me this much needed time. I came home to my crockpot dinner all ready and Ben said, “Wow, you’re in a good mood!”  Apparently, that’s rare?

The quilting class was really fun. There’s only one other lady in it, an older grandma lady, who was very nice, so the instructor had good time to spend with each of us supervising, giving tips, etc. I learned some new techniques, better ways to do things and even a little about my sewing machine. I can’t wait to show you my project at the end of the month!

Now, I need to plot some ways to keep this free afternoon thing going…..


A few random pics:

Zakkai playing some earned Wii time last week:) He’s been talking non-stop about fire safety this week since there was a fire safety assembly at school. We have learned all about making an escape plan, stop, drop and roll and changing our smoke detector batteries from our little fireman:)

At the end of last week this became Eliana’s new “thing” that she just had to have on every day, even though it’s almost bigger than her!

“Backack? Mama, Backack?”

Zakkai was writing out numbers last week and Eliana decided to get down and join him:) She loves to do whatever her brothers do!

Here’s a picture of my sis and I in Colorado in August when we were visiting Breckenridge! I wish the trip hadn’t gone by so quickly, as it was so much fun to be around family and catch up. Miss my family!


Eliana is still fighting whatever sickness she has. She was up 6 times crying for me last night;( I knew her tylenol was going to wear off around 11:30pm last night and sure enough, she was up at 11:20 crying, burning up with a fever of over 102 degrees. Poor kid! She’s been off and on today with her fever and fussiness with periods of perking up. If she doesn’t improve tonight/tomorrow, then I guess we’re headed to the drs to make sure she doesn’t have an ear infection or anything.

I’ve been bribing Samuel to try to remember to wear his glasses at school since he’s been doing such a terrible job! Yes, I know bribery is a no-no but incentive is working! 2 days in a row Samuel has remembered to put them on while doing schoolwork just for a piece of rare candy! Hopefully offering small rewards will get him into a habit of wearing them. Rascal.

Tomorrow afternoon I start a quilting class!!! I am so excited to be doing something I’ve really wanted to do for such a long time. And not only that, I get to get away for a few hours in the middle of the afternoon, thanks to the graciousness of my hubby! It’s so rare for me to go out by myself or even do something for myself so I hope this is a good thing. I feel excited and selfish and a little guilty. But mostly excited;)

Hopefully tomorrow will bring better news about our Missy Girl.