Bucks, Movies and Veggies!

 Monday rolls around so quickly, doesn’t it? Amazing how time flies! On Friday night, I got “How to Train A Dragon 2” from Redbox and we watched that while we (and by that I mean, Ben) made pizza. I pulled out a veggie tray (seriously, one of the best things I buy!) for everyone to munch on while waiting for our pizza deliciousness. The kids go mad over it!

Movies and Veggies:)

Eliana got some new Frozen sheets for Christmas from her Grandma. I didn’t get around to washing them until this past week because we got sick right afterwards. I promised her I would get them on her bed a.s.a.p.! Wow, that made her happy! The pillowcase is Anna on one side and Elsa on the other. She chose the Elsa side, of course;)

This afternoon we were waiting for the boys to come home on the bus and Eliana wanted to play hide and seek while we waited. I counted and this was her hiding spot:) She was a rock. Very hard to spot in her bright pink coat!! haha, love it!

And last but not least, Go Bucks! The boys are wearing their Buckeye sweatshirts to bed in honor and we are trying to see if we’ll even be able to watch the game. Not very often but sometimes, it stinks not having cable. Why in the world they can’t show a big game like this on regular tv channels, I’ll never know! Oh well…eat some roast Duck, Buckeyes!


 TGIF!!! It may have been a short week but it felt like a long one. Boy. It was just a run, run, run week with little to no down time each day that has left me feeling wiped out. Last night I was in bed, asleep by 9pm!

Eliana finally got a good night’s rest last night, after being up multiple times the night before with her cold. But she refused to nap today, mostly because she couldn’t breathe. So instead she drove her mama nuts by spending the entire 2+ hours yelling, crying, talking, singing and throwing everything she could get her hands on out of the crib.

This is what I came into.

What a stinker!

And here’s the little angel enjoying her snack. She got this cute outfit from one of Ben’s aunts and she just loves being all purple! I put the headband on her and she kept saying, “Missy’s ‘band!”

She didn’t get to enjoy her brothers’ presence too long because she got sent to bed early. Yes, m’am! This was one tired little cookie, who fought with every last drop in her little being until she dropped off to sleep out of pure exhaustion.

 Our upstairs is very poorly insulated so we bundle up with as many covers as we can each night. Samuel wrapped himself all up and begged me to take a picture:)

And so, of course, I had to get one of my Z-man, too:) After we banished the princess to her slumber, the rest of us played the game “Sorry” and ate our pizza. This weekend’s homemade treat (we try to only eat dessert on Fridays and Saturdays) was upside down pineapple cake! It was a smash hit with all my men:)

It’s nice to be appreciated!

Friday Nights!

We love our Friday nights around here! It signifies another (hopefully) successful week completed, the beginning of a relaxing (also hopefully:) weekend together and last but not least, it’s our faithful pizza night! And we make a mean pizza, if we don’t say so ourselves!

Last night we added some game playing to our pizza night! We pulled out my long-term childhood favorite game of Life, which the boys adore and played a rousing game while waiting for and devouring our yummy pizza. We all loved it so much that we’re thinking of making game playing a weekly tradition, too!

We finished off our night with a delicious treat, which I am most definitely passing on! Snickerdoodle Blondies. (click on it for the link!) Served with vanilla ice cream. Yum and yum again! If you like snickerdoodle cookies, you will love these!! Enjoy.