The New and Improved!

 You are about to see some highly improved pictures from my recent phone pictures of the last 4 months! Our last hand-me-down camera stopped taking good pictures. Every setting I chose produced blurry pictures and for someone who loves pictures like I do, that was seriously frustrating!

So, my dearest love presented me with an early Christmas and birthday (and more) present~a new and highly improved camera! I have been wanting one for SO long and the fun thing is that B is learning to use it with me. Maybe we’ll become photographers on the side! Or maybe not….

Anyways, here are my recent pictures that I’m pretty proud of! Not bad for a beginner and they feature three of my favorite subjects!

First off, there is Samuel the magician:) He practically does magic tricks in his sleep these days and is working up the nerve to put on a magic show for family when we’re in Ohio next week! He also prayed almost every night for a month for all of his cousins to come and God answered his prayers! He is super excited!

Next up is Miss Cute Thang herself:) I asked her to come lay down and she ran and plopped down on her tummy, sat still with mostly cheesy grins for about 5 pictures and said, “I’m all done, Mama!” and ran off:)

She still adores her new glasses and loves telling everyone she sees about them. Her eye is looking very good these days!

And last but not least, is Mr. Z! Man, oh, man he looks handsome in blue!! It always brings out the blue in his baby blues:)

He’s sweet and stinker all wrapped up in one and keeps our life sizzlin’!

So there you have it. Hopefully, my pictures will continue to improve and you will only sometimes be subject to my poor phone pictures:) Hope you’re having a great week!